- CS:GO Guide - How To Use And Create a Config and Autoexec File

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How to create and use an autoexec in CSGO | Leetify.


Auto scripts are useful in CS:GO because they give your game custom commands. For example, you can display the damage given to each enemy simply by inputting the proper command.

If you prefer a visual reference, check out the video below. As the name states, this script automatically shows the damage given to enemies at the end of each round. Not all kills are created equal, as some rely on assists while others are clean headshots. Thus, seeing the damage output gives you a more accurate depiction of your aim and spray.

Netgraph depicts how well CS:GO runs based on certain factors. It may be annoying, however, to always see it at the bottom of the screen.

If you want to know the size, thickness, outline, etc. Perhaps you want to slightly tweak it, or simply just mess around with it; you can play with the numbers as well. This is especially useful if you want to change or give away your crosshair.

Depending on the settings, you can move it towards or away from the player, to the top, or middle of the screen. By default, CS:GO only lets you speak when you hold down a key.

You may lose focus as a result. This script, however, is useful for toggling your mic. Alternatively, you can use another script provided in the video. This script will give you a huge but thin crosshair so you can see exactly where to throw a smoke. For example, some smokes require you to pinpoint the corner of a building as you throw upwards.

Eventually, you'll be able to locate it with ease without any assistance. This script simplifies the process of throwing a grenade into one step. In addition to the console and maps, you may use this script to change crosshair colors. Another simple script that changes your crosshair color from blue, orange, purple, and so on.

Of course, colors are not limited to such, but rather, vary depending on the number or command. The color orange, for example, would correspond to the number 4 using this command. Instead of scrolling between two weapons, you might want to try this script. This is especially useful for switching between the pistol, knife and AWP. Thanks to this command, you can use the scroll wheel to zoom in or out of the radar.

A fairly useful script for reaching tough spots or moving from point A to B. Take, for example, the top left box on A site inferno or from cat to nest mirage.

Another fairly simple script. This is especially helpful when you're being rushed or to quickly catch your opponent off guard. A short script that affects what you hear around you. Perhaps you need to focus, or just want to listen to music without any distractions.

And of course, you can choose the key you like. Alternatively, you can use the script from the video check the description. This bind not only drops the bomb, but switches back to your previous weapon as well. You can also remove the message, if you prefer. Instead of opening the buy menu and clicking on a weapon, consider using this bind. May not be much, but it does save some time before the start of a round.

Alternatively, you can type the command in the console check the video. An alternative to how you hear. You can also try the settings from the video. This script allows you to practice holding A or B sites from most competitive maps. Simply go to an offline map, choose a site, and execute the proper config. Below is just one example, but if you want access to more maps, go to the video above.

A simple command that changes your character and their items from the right to left hand side. CS: GO by default, however, uses the right hand command. Alternatively, you can type it in the in-game console. Although this is listed as number 1, any of these scripts may be of great help. That said, instead of constantly going back and forth between two keys, a bind is usually more appropriate, as in this case.

Skip to main content. Level up. Earn rewards. Your XP: 0. Updated: 21 Jan am. BY: Rudy Gonzales. Setting Up and Executing an Autoexec Script. Display Damage in Action. Netgraph Scoreboard in Action. Crosshair Settings in Action Viewmodel Settings in Action Voice Toggle in Action Crosshair Smoke in Action Jump Grenades in Action Crosshair Color in Action Quick Switch in Action Radar Zoom in action.

Utility Binds in Action. Voice Bind in Action. Bomb Drop in Action. Buy Binds in Action. Audio Settings in Action. Holding Sites in Action. Left Hand in Action Switching Hands in Action. A supportive class and baseball enthusiast at heart, Rudy spends his time healing his fellow party members, casting defensive spells, pitching near-perfect games, and listening to video game music.

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